Monday, January 23, 2012

TWO months later......and now complete

       So I have FOUR kiddos now! Yikes! My days are super busy. For a while there my best friend thought I didn't like her, we went from talking a few times a day to a few times a week. It's starting to get better. I have time to see friends and to get things done again. I did not realize how busy I would be, good gracious. It feels like instead of just doubling my work, I've quadrupled it. I have so much that I really want to share about the past two months, it is overwhelming! But I really feel lead to do so, so I will slowly.
      The main thing I wanted to share tonight is that for the first time ever I feel "done". We are done adding babies (and kids) to our family. This is it- I feel complete. Which reminds me of something Josh told me shortly after we brought the girls home. He wrote to me "I didn't feel like we were missing something before, but now I feel we're complete." And that's just it. We're busy, we're stressed, we're tired, it's so much harder than we thought-but we're complete.