Tuesday, August 2, 2011

God's plan- It's not us

        Today we got the news on the twins. The social workers have decided to go with another family. I do know that they are a family that the birth father attends church with, so it will probably be very good for them all. I think that God doesn't do anything by mistake and this must be the best for everyone. I am disappointed, I was really looking forward to the possibility of two little girls. We are thankful that we heard so quickly, we really thought it'd be longer for them to decide. It feels really good to know. There is a peace in knowing that is obviously not what God has for us. Knowing that this is not God's plan for us, really makes me all the more excited to see what he does have. This is something God is doing in our lives, and I want to be open and ready for whatever that is. It's not this. I do kinda feel like- okay what now? We don't have any other "leads", so it's almost like a let down from being excited about a possibility to nothing. Josh is good too, I'd say he was less invested, so he's not as disappointed as I am. But he's a guy. A little less emotional. So really- I'm good. Like I said I'm disappointed, but I know that God has something, I just need to focus on waiting for that. Thank you everyone for your prayers, I know that is is helping so much and it is such a HUGE comfort to me. Prayers that I would continue to feel peaceful about this would be wonderful. Thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. Aww that stinks Jen but you are so right god has a bigger better plan for you guys!! Love you all and I'm keeping you in our prayers for the right little girl to come along!!!


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