Thursday, February 23, 2012

The next step...a hearing.....

       At 3pm today I couldn't wait anymore so I called the girls social worker to get news. And found out she doesn't go to the hearings! I was frustrated! Then I remembered I had the girl's lawyers info so I called her, surely she had to be there. So she gave me the information, and even though I've never met her, I really like her. Well both parents showed up to court today and both did protest the termination. I am bummed but I kinda respect them for it too. It almost makes me happy that I can tell my girls that at least when it came to this point they did try to fight. I hope that will someday be a comfort to them. Anyway, the next step is for an informal hearing where the parents and their lawyers get to meet with the girls lawyers, and maybe social workers (I'm not sure about that) and sit down and talk the case over. The lawyer explained to me that this is so they get to be heard and they will try to "work things out" which means basically the girls lawyer will try to talk them into relinquishing rights willfully and the parents will try to prove they can care for them and they have enough of a established relationship with the girls that it would be detrimental to terminate. And as the lawyer even told me we know neither of things things are true. So then they go to court before the judge and if things are not settled they go to trail. Both those things happen in the next two weeks, which we are glad about. Please please continue to pray for this. I especially don't want to have to take the girls to anymore visits because it is so hard on them. As miraculous as it would be I am praying again that the parents not show up to the hearing. As I said I think at this point it would be a miracle, but my God is in the miracle business! In any case I know God's hand is in this, and like I said even as I look at this today I think "well at least someday I can tell them they fought for them at the end." Thank you all for your support and prayers.

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