Thursday, April 21, 2011

A week and no word.....

       So it's been a week since our social worker told us about a little girl and we submitted our profile/homestudy to her social worker for review. And no word. There is no guaranteed time line, or really even and average time on how long it may take for them to contact you if they want to meet you, but we probably should have heard by now. The part that stinks is that we either hear something, and we've been asked to come to a disclosure meeting, or we don't. Once the decision to find an adoptive home has been made usually they want to place with the family as soon as possible. And this little girl in particular had a court date set already to terminate parental right in mid June.
       For those of you who don't know, or I haven't got to explain it to here is how the process "should" go: Once the court decides that reunification with the birth parents is not in the best interest of the child they schedule a hearing to terminate parental rights and look for family or friends that can take them in. If no one is found they start to search for families like ours who would be a good match with the child, based on what the family is looking for and what they think the best environment for that child would be. The courts do not like to terminate parental rights if an adoptive family has not been found, and the child has not been placed  in the home. Once a family is found the social worker will schedule a disclosure meeting with the family to talk about the particulars of the child and the child's case. If the family wants to pursue then they will set up a meeting time to meet the child, and whether or not visited are need before placement depends a lot on the child's age.
         In this particular case the little girls profile was shown to many social workers who represent families at a monthly meeting they have. Most people adopting are looking for a young girl so I'm sure there were many profiles turned in for her social worker to review.
          I am disappointed because I was hoping this would be it, and we would soon be meeting our little girl, but I am confident that God is working everything out for us and that His timing and will are perfect. When we were going through the whole paperwork and interview parts I kept thinking that I couldn't wait to be where we now are, because then I wouldn't have to be doing anything but waiting on the Lord. I felt that if I could just get to the point where I only had to trust Him and wait on Him then it would be so much easier. After we were approved and we were officially in "child search" I had such a huge weight lifted from me. It has been only 4 months since that day, although it feels longer. But I am so thankful that I still feel a peace about where we are. I still think it is so much easier to be waiting on God and trusting in Him only, not worrying about what I have to do. I know God has a plan and it is so much better than I can imagine. Already he has done so much to grow me in this time of waiting, and I am looking forward to seeing what else He has to do. So if I wait another month, or another year I know the wait will be worth it, if only for the growth that God is accomplishing in me.
        Thank you for everyone who was praying for us with this little girl. We will still be praying if you'd like to continue in prayer with us. Like I said there is not a way to know for sure, but it's not looking like this is the time. The good news is she'll be placed into her forever family, and that is a beautiful thing.

1 comment:

  1. Always praying for your family! We love you guys and can't wait to see you with the little girl God has chosen specifically for you. I know waiting on Him can be hard and long, but praise God you have such a peace about it.


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