Friday, October 14, 2011

Twins again, an "older" little girl, and other stuff

              I'm going to start with the "other stuff", then get to the tease on the girls. Things have been busy here. Not too much adoption action until this week, just other stuff. I've been super busy with both boys being in soccer and house projects. After not getting the twins I decided I need to re-paint a dresser and re-decorate my bedroom. It's what I do, it's called distraction. We have got a couple calls, nothing we had wanted to submit our profile for so I kept blog quite. I did last week get an e-mail that the two sisters I had last blogged about were placed with grandparents, against the recommendation of the county.  So I have I had been thinking about our process and doing a lot of praying. There were a few hard weeks. It was discouraging to get so close then not have much happen. That and there was the 1 year date of our starting the process, then the 10 month mark of waiting. So yes I was doing a lot of praying. And I didn't post that on here because I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me, God and I just had things to talk about. And He did have a lot to say.  Like "quit being such a control freak, when you're telling my to have my way!" (Yes I really do feel like God talks to me like that. It's about the only way I really listen. Josh should try it too.) Wait you mean part of  me letting God do His thing is getting out of the way? Sometimes I would like God to just boss me around, at least then I'd feel like the control at least goes through me. But no He has been asking me to just get out of the way and watch Him work. Hard for me to not get the orders, just trust in Him. Have you ever felt like that? Like God was keeping you in the dark until the end? I'm kinda a nosy person, and I like to be in control of my stuff, so I don't do that well. I hope some day I will, because God keeps putting me here and I don't like it. A friend told me something great today that she heard at bible study- she said they were "encouraged to 'relinquish responsibility', because God has His plan and it's not our responsibility to do  anything but to listen for Him to speak." That was powerful for me to hear. Ok I think that's all the other stuff.
            So we got an e-mail this week about another set of twins. They are 2 1/2. They were born very premature and have a few medical issues because of it. Things they will most likely grow out of, but that we would have to deal with now. I saw pictures and they are so adorable. They have brown hair with soft curls. Adorable. We've submitted our profile for them. They already have a court date set to terminate parental rights. The birth mom is contesting, but that is not unusual. To be honest, I am hopeful about this. They are a good age for us, and I love the though of having sisters. I'm so glad my boys have each other, and I am so thankful for growing up with my sister. I'd love to get a call and go to a disclourse meeting to learn more about them and to get some questions answered.
          And today we got a call from our social worker about a 3 1/2 year old girl. I was told on the phone several times that she is very cute, but I haven't seen a picture. I was told there are no medical problems and the only behavioral problems are that she throws tantrums. But she hits and kicks and bites during them. Which really is not unusual for a child who has been in foster care. Their little lives have been turned upside down several times, it'd be hard for an adult to deal with. Also she was placed in her current home for concurrent placement, which usually is with a family member or friend and they move from foster care to adoption. But this family doesn't want to adopt her because she doesn't get a long with their younger daughter. Which is very sad and also makes me wonder how she is treated there. Is she treated like family, and shown the same love and attention? I didn't want someone so close to Nathan in age, and that and the tantrums worry me, but my heart goes out to her. I feel like she's not wanted in the place she has been, and kids pick up on that. I feel that God has been telling me to let go and trust the outcomes to Him. And that means letting go of what I think I what and letting him work. There is not a date yet set to terminate rights for her. Both parents were offered services and visitation and the father declined, but when the county went to request rights to be terminated he contested and now wants visits and such. The court date for that is at the end of the month. So we have submitted our profile for that too. I may see if we can stop at our agency's office Monday to look at her profile, and see her picture.
         So I guess you could say we have two irons in the fire. Whew long post today. As always prayers are appreciated. Thank you all.


  1. Aww Jen I was wondering what was going on! So glad you are keeping us updated! I hope for the best for you and the fam! (But another pair of twins with brown curls like mine would be awesome!!) Lol
    Love you all!

  2. what a roller coaster. i'm praying for you, know that. keep know what happens!
    this is really exciting, keep us posted okay?


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